February 2013
I See your Bones
When the Rain Falls like this...
Deep Water Gospel
Deafened by your Soft Simple Words
Basted for her Feast
Coming Fully Awake
I'll Call her Janine
'neath a Wedgewood Sky
Would I truly hike those lands,
explore as much
as I pledge to myself,
or is it just that dangling string,
an illusory rise
that shimmers its mystery at me.
that other fork in the road
that lures with the soft buttery greens,
the smell of fresh mown hay
with its eerie breeze,
that susurrus,
that querulous cry through the trees.

image © Marko Popadic
I See your Bones
I see your bones
crawling out of bed
lifting from my arms
releasing my fingers
as we raise our glass of cold pink sky.
I see your bones
settled in
risqué and teasing
curled, nestled around each limb of me.
I see your bones
sleeving, sliding… sautéed over mine
I see your bones
in the quiet
as they lie
lilac ash in dusk’s repose.
In life
in love
in passion
in loss
in death
I’ll always see your bones.
We the tarnished
barely hold our smiles
when you walk to the market
full of such life and promise,
each, refilling our basket full of dreams.
We the mottled, grin
at these blossoms,
their bosoms
the naughty fragrances
the thighs exposed…
as we tuck our lives
and our eyes back away.
Thanks to ‘Back-door’ Arnie for the seeds to this one. Cheers! |

When the Rain Falls like this...
When the rain falls like this…
syncopated and fitful,
like lucid air, wet with scattered thoughts
drumming on the awnings
spat-clack splashing my table for two.
When the rain falls like this…
misting on the walk,
swirling oil on this hissy-fit street,
hanging from the leaves
like malachite pearls
When the rain fall like this…
faces emerge, hopeful it has eased,
cabs cruise like voyeurs,
ticking yellow guppies
gawping for fares
When the rain falls like this
some hearts begin to blue,
flowing over with bruise,
or the cold cloak of longing,
oh how they blue
When the rain falls like this…
other hearts quietly smile,
stolen kisses in doorways,
the scent of once belonging.
oh how they smile.
When the rain falls like this…
I am a finger's curl away,
watching the flush on your ivory skin,
tracing its vague freckles
with the lips of my mind.

Image © Oliver Blaise
Deep Water Gospel
Deep Water Gospel
Most move beyond their moments
the poets, balladeers,
the buskers, the bar-stool bards,
losing touch with the spirit
that once rose beneath them.
They slide like islands, volcanoes
under-lit by hotspots,
urgencies of anguish
the passions of love or remorse.
The eruptions churn
the fumaroles cool,
the effusions of angst crust over.
Poetry is deep water gospel.
We are the swimmers,
denizens of the current
we must swim in our schools of word
to breath, to function,
to flourish we must write.
Deafened by your Soft Simple Words
I’ll hold you in the scarlet dark
captive to our failing light.
I’ll keep your heartbeat on my skin
as long as I have my mind.
You can’t walk away
leaving words stillborn in their womb,
you can’t remove your gaze
the light from my heart’s bright room.
In one moment’s breath
the shadows wailed, light falling,
deafened by your soft simple words.
I’ll hold your head to my chest
as I spend our final dream.
I will whisper good night
as I kiss your brow
with the stars as I always do. |

Basted for her Feast
the bay is a convulsion
a roiling foil
wind whipped and white
its wave tops like knuckles
bared of their slick grey skin
blue white gristle
as chrome undulations
dancing through the light.
this bridge is slick,
sea splashed and briny,
thick with the seizures of this fickle wind.
this hurricane is the usual nautical bitch,
promises lures and lies
boasting and puling blustery cries.
the gulf is an unstable mirror,
an unsavory calm
eyes glassy, affixed in a narcotic dream
dreamy and eerie,
just that eerie pause
as we are basted for her feast.

© J. Baylor Roberts
Coming Fully Awake
Dawn broke wind from a greasy sky,
a wet fetid whimper of a breeze
as shifts changed at the mills.
the horizon a wall of congealed porridge
tail lights scattering like neon mice across the yards
to the bars or back to their blue collar caves.
all night the skies are a fever of light
chank-a-tink, tink-chank
as they pound on the ore
and the furnaces blaze in the valley
freight cars bang out
their violent coupling traveling for miles,
their engines wailing as they leave the yards.
Most nights I slept through it
until I grew older,
until my heart was first broken
and something new came alive in me
then I’d wake to watch each sunrise
etching those sights and sounds on my soul.
I'll Call her Janine
This woman wears the mantle of the world.
in her tailored, black, ankle length coat
she seems gothic - displaced
as if removed from another time.
I see her most days when she walks her dog.
She walks with a resurrected pride
yet seems to harbor deep sadness.
old style dark glasses, black hair
kept loose beneath a scarf
or a deep green shawl
as if perpetually cold.
It’s a warm day today
warm enough to shed sweaters
to open the windows
‘Hello”, she replies with an alto voice
a gentle voice, cherry,
a voice you cannot fault.
An endearing voice.
My smalltalk is dust in my mouth.
She is not old
She is not young.
Not thirty, not forty, nor fifty…
Her feet are slippered
a soft dark gray leather
no nonsense, practical.
Her black wool coat,
unbuttoned today,
moves side to side
in slow ovals off the ground
often stiffening
to a sudden velvet breeze.
I feel compelled to engage her
to feel her eyes on me
her polite smile locked with mine
yet I pull away…
as if this is not to be allowed.
I never learned her name
I never introduced myself
I never petted her dog.
I pet every dog!!
She was gone in weeks.
Eight weeks? Ten?
A renter?
A visitor?
Had she been sick? Died?
I knew no one who could know.
It gets hot here rather quickly,
quite early in the year.
Perhaps she follows her coat. |
'neath this Wedgewood Sky
‘neath this Wedgewood sky
lies a scowling afternoon,
a day of glaring light
that shoves holes through the clouds
and kisses your skin with pyrite promise.
a day of winter-weak dream.
The Anclote’s waters are tarnish
blackened silvers and copper,
glares of Chevy blue-metallic,
of brackish iron and roils of pewter and tin.
endless streams to an indifferent sea
beneath this Wedgewood sky.